We all have our "what's important" list. My God, my husband, my children, my home, my job, my friends, my hobbies... There are a few times in life when those items must be put in order. They must be prioritized. You have to choose one over another. And it hurts like H.e.double hockey sticks. I'm in one of those times right now.
Rewind 6 years (exactly). We had three little girls, my husband's job was going great, and we were moving into our custom built dream house. Everything was butterflies and rainbows. I painstakingly planned, organized, decorated every inch. I dreamed (literally) about walking through it before it was ever built. I wrote scripture on all the doorways when it was framed. I loved it. A lot. We were going to live here for a long time. I talked incessantly about how much I love this house to my friend (the one who speaks the truth right through me) and she told me, "You better be careful." I remember those words because the Lord wants us to be careful not to put anything ahead of Him. He is a jealous God and He will take away what interferes with our relationship with Him. He is a loving Father.
Over the last 6 years, we've changed jobs three times, brought two more babies home, made lifelong, wonderful dear friends and memories far too numerous to count in these four walls. I still love this house. You can see forever in the backyard. The hill is perfect for sledding. The "drunk rooster" at the farm behind us cock-a-doodle-doos at all hours of the day and night. Friends come in the back door at all hours of the day and night. The flower beds are finally just like I want them. My neighbors are irreplaceable. We vacation together; we raise each other's kids; we cook for each other and know each others' secrets. And... we just sold it.
When I texted my friends today to tell them I just signed the contract, my Hen friend Amy's reply was, "What? We didn't discuss this!" It's communal living. And I love it. It's not just a house, it's a community.
We had to decide what's important for our family. The Lord led us to a school an hour from our home 3 1/2 years ago and we knew right away that this was how we wanted to raise our children. The curriculum, the teachers, the students, the families, the love and grace that this school radiates... it became what's important. Really, really, important. So much so that I will sacrifice this home, this neighborhood, being close to these friends, to move closer to this school we love. I know I'll be sad for a while, but if we had to leave the school, I'd be much sadder.
Our Sovereign God knows exactly what is best for my family. I trust Him. I will follow Him. How many times have I sung and will continue to sing (which comes from Job) -
You Give and Take Away
You Give and Take Away
My heart will choose to say,
Lord, Blessed be your Name.
And, I know, I know. My children are healthy, my husband has a job, we won't be homeless. We are extremely blessed. Extremely. It just hurts a little right now (small pity party), but our home is where my family is. And we will be joyful wherever that is. And, once a Hen, always a Hen. :)
Still not recalling the discussion, but I have a guest room for sleepovers!